DeuPAD Extensions

The DeuPAD Extensions are a set of extensions to the original PAD format especially for the German speaking market. The DeuPAD Extensions have been integrated into DeuPAD, a free tool like PadGen, developed by GRAHL software design for the German speaking shareware community. So, if you're using DeuPAD for generating your PAD files, you don't need this extension, as it's natively integrated within DeuPAD. If you use PadGen and want to reach the German speaking shareware market, you should use this extension before posting your PAD file to any German distributor.


DeuPAD Extensions concerning the company information in your PAD files:

Member of SAVE (Shareware Autoren VEreinigung - German Shareware Authors Association):

If you are a SAVE Member, your Membership ID (a three letter acronym):

Unique ID of your company (see below for notes on unique IDs):


DeuPAD Extensions concerning the program information in your PAD file:

Product price in Euro EUR (without currency symbol):

If you're a SAVE Member, the program's ID in the SAVE software archive (a three letter code):

Unique ID of the program (see below for notes on unique IDs):


Unique IDs:


DeuPAD Copyright © 2000-2004 by GRAHL software design